

HBI S.p.A.
A big Company ...
...A big Idea
HBI S. p.A. is a company which is part of a multinational Group operating in all the European countries. Its range of business is commercial information-communication and marketing.

Lignea is a plan for the largest and most complete data bank that includes all the Italian companies in the wood and woodworking sector.

The Lignea project has been turned into a directory comprehending information about approximately 5.500 companies, whose data are easily accessible through 440 codes of marketable goods, and which is now available:

  • as a book: LIGNEA
  • in a digital form: CD LIGNEA
  • on line:

HBI S.r.l. - Largo Parolini 131 - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Italy
Tel. +39 0424 529088  Fax +39 0424 529191  P. IVA 02137440240